Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Now You See It...Now You Don't

Turns out there was a wasp nest in the arm of our patio chair

All in

Comin' out


Sunday, October 31, 2010

happy halloween

A Brown Marmorated Stink Bug visited the windowsill.

Whaddya know, seems the exterminator's spray does work.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Feeding Time

I'm still pretty pissed off about the fact that I spent most of my life thinking this was a bee.
Anyway, it enjoyed the sugar on our place mats. 




Thursday, October 21, 2010

Holy Sh*t

This photo makes me want to puke. (I don't like spiders). 

Oh, you don't think it's so bad? Fine, I give you: the close-up.
(And imagine it sucking the life out of you instead of a bee. That helps too.)


Wednesday, October 20, 2010


I know it's only a bug, but it just looks like he feels awkward.
Perhaps he's self-conscious about his Miley Cyrus legs


Monday, October 18, 2010

Attack of the Green Stink Bug!

I saved this Edessa bifida from our little pool.

And then it attacked my camera. Ingrate.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Good Reception

Nice antennae -- a little bug-eyed though.

Gray Hairstreak Butterfly (Strymon melinus).  
No, wait... Seems it could be one of a million or so butterflies that end with "Hairstreak" in the name.
Hmm, actually, might be a Yojoa Scrub-Hairstreak. Well, it's a butterfly. Definitely a butterfly. 


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Affordable Housing

These are cocoons of some type--likely a kind of case moth. They attach the twigs with their silk.



A possible denizen?


Scientific Method

It looks like spit. But it was all over the place on leaves. So we're just going to say it's some kind of bug thing.... eggs. There you go. It was bug eggs.
UPDATE: It's true!  They are called spittlebugs or froghoppers and the nymphs are encased in this slop.


Aunt Ant

Me:  What's something funny to say about an ant?
N:  I dunno. Which one?
Me:  Just an ant.
N:  I don't know. Which? What name?
Me:  It's just an ANT!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

They Mostly Come at Night, Mostly

This is in fact not an alien but a spider that built a web from the grass thatch roof of our porch to the bushes, and scared the crap out of me all day long.
Extra points if you get the movie reference.


This is a Tiger Butterfly. That's a lie. I don't know the names of all these Central American bugs.

Check Out the Bod on that One

This butterfly's body was the size of an adult's thumb.
It was quite uncooperative in our photo shoot, refusing to stand still.
All ego

Moth the Size of a...

This moth was the size of a cat -- if that cat were about four inches wide or so.

Monteverde Flier

This was one of the prettier bugs to greet us during our trip to the rain forest. It sat on the inside of our hotel window while other bugs in our room were too fast for photographing.


Brooklyn Bugs Goes to Costa Rica...

These bugs not from my apartment, but once you get started taking photos of things you see moving out of the corner of your eye, it's hard to stop--even on vacation.


Cape May Creeper

This was in the tub to welcome us to our Cape May weekend rental:

The King Near The Boss

This fine Burger King specimen was on Route 9 in New Jersey [9/3/10]. (Not in my apartment, but...whatever.)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Bradysia coprophila

Fungus Fly. When people have fruit flies, usually they actually have these. They hatch out of potting soil when it is over-watered. Thanks Home Depot dirt.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hanging out on the stoop

I came home from work to find an Annual Cicada, also called the "Dog-Day" cicada because the larva tunnels up to the surface in July and August and then "hatches" -- molting out of its bug state to this:

That link above was not for the weak-stomached. The truth is ugly.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Photo shoot on my lamp shade

This guy was dusty ...

and slow...

which may explain ...

no... uh...  yeah, it's dead:

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

This is not a garden--it's my tub, asshole.

This Garden Centipede was hanging out in my tub this morning.
I think it really enjoyed when I let the water heat up for the shower...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Only Six Legs

This is a spider beetle. I've found two now--both in the bathroom sink oddly enough.